My mom did lose power, and at 7am when everyone was finally getting ready for bed...we get a call from her saying she had 18 inches of water in her basement. She had been without power all night so no sump-pump. So off we went to bail over there. I got her on the list to have the fire company pump out the basement, a service which they provided for free, and they came a few hours later and all was well again. Power eventually came back, and by some force of God her heater still works...after the motor had been completely covered with flood water. We figure since the power had been off, it never clicked on...and since it had a long time to dry out, it didn't short. She really dodged a bullet there.
I feel like we all dodged a bullet in this area. There was flooding and power outages, but New England got it so much worse. Those poor people.